Email Signature


A signature is a perfect opportunity to brand every message you send. It establishes and reinforces who you are as a business. By creating a cohesive email signature for each employee on your team, you create brand recognition in every person to whom your employees send emails. Elements of a professional signature for new emails include first name and last name, title and department, email address and telephone number, business logo and business name, business physical address, social media icons linked to official business profiles, disclaimer and banner.

Service Code: BGDN-3-ELSE

Service Development: 1x Email signature design.

Service Quality: The price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution, which in turn can generate better value for your business.

How it works:

  1. Place your order.

  2. Fill out our questionnaire.

  3. Initial concepts provided within 3 business days.

  4. Provide feedback.

  5. Revisions occur within 24 hours.

  6. Provide final approval.

  7. Final files provided in JPG or HTML formats.

Professional satisfaction guaranteed with this service.

Need a brand colour and typeface? Check out these palettes and fonts.

Full Payment

A signature is a perfect opportunity to brand every message you send. It establishes and reinforces who you are as a business. By creating a cohesive email signature for each employee on your team, you create brand recognition in every person to whom your employees send emails. Elements of a professional signature for new emails include first name and last name, title and department, email address and telephone number, business logo and business name, business physical address, social media icons linked to official business profiles, disclaimer and banner.

Service Code: BGDN-3-ELSE

Service Development: 1x Email signature design.

Service Quality: The price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution, which in turn can generate better value for your business.

How it works:

  1. Place your order.

  2. Fill out our questionnaire.

  3. Initial concepts provided within 3 business days.

  4. Provide feedback.

  5. Revisions occur within 24 hours.

  6. Provide final approval.

  7. Final files provided in JPG or HTML formats.

Professional satisfaction guaranteed with this service.

Need a brand colour and typeface? Check out these palettes and fonts.

A signature is a perfect opportunity to brand every message you send. It establishes and reinforces who you are as a business. By creating a cohesive email signature for each employee on your team, you create brand recognition in every person to whom your employees send emails. Elements of a professional signature for new emails include first name and last name, title and department, email address and telephone number, business logo and business name, business physical address, social media icons linked to official business profiles, disclaimer and banner.

Service Code: BGDN-3-ELSE

Service Development: 1x Email signature design.

Service Quality: The price reflects the content, skill and technical complexity of this solution, which in turn can generate better value for your business.

How it works:

  1. Place your order.

  2. Fill out our questionnaire.

  3. Initial concepts provided within 3 business days.

  4. Provide feedback.

  5. Revisions occur within 24 hours.

  6. Provide final approval.

  7. Final files provided in JPG or HTML formats.

Professional satisfaction guaranteed with this service.

Need a brand colour and typeface? Check out these palettes and fonts.

Presentation Template (PPT/Keynote)
Social Media Post
Brand Guideline
HTML Newsletter Design